Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Day 3 - Netball and Orange Grove

Today, we went for netball training at Morley Sports and Recreation Centre for Netball training this morning. Our coaches were Jessica and Lauren.
They taught us how hoe  to be fast on our feet and taught us  to land on our outside foot. We found out it quite complicated as we were used to landing on our right foot, which might not always be the outside foot. After which,  we also played a few games of full court netball. 
After training, we then proceeded to have our lunch and went to the Golden Grove Orchard which took us an hour to get to our destination. We sat on the tractor and were taken around the Orchard.
First, we were driven to the grapefruit area. The grapefruits were very big. They tasted very sour and bitter. How special. 
Right after that , we headed of to see the mandarin oranges where they were filled with juicy pulp and many big seeds .
Lastly , before heading back to the “factory” , we saw a special  kind of orange that was 99.9% acid free! These oranges tasted extremely sweet and we loved them!
Back at the “factory” , we saw how the oranges were sorted out by their size and then processed.
Later in the evening, we attended the Wanneroo Netball Spring Carnival. We were very impressed by the younger children who should be in Year 2 or 3. They played better than some of the older children, as they ran into space and weren’t packed like sardines.

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